From social media to newsletters, there are countless options for how you can market your brand. But here’s the thing: your business needs a blog. 

While sometimes overlooked for trendier platforms like Instagram and TikTok, a blog is still imperative for success online. Social media is a great tool for communicating and engaging with your customers, but it’s not the SEO powerhouse that blogs can be. Compared to social media, blogs are also a better platform for long-form, educational content, and for establishing yourself as a trustworthy resource.

Five Reasons Your Business Needs A Blog

Blogs establish authority and build trust.

You clearly have knowledge of your service, product, niche, and industry—share it! A blog isn’t the easiest thing to maintain, but doing so shows that you’re committed to your business, which in turn, builds trust. In addition, blogs are a way for you to communicate with your customers. When you address their concerns and needs, you’ll show that you are a useful resource and you’re interested in what they want. When there are options (and there always are), a client is likely to go with the brand they find the most trustworthy. 

Blogs are a great tool to keep your audience updated about your business. 

Beyond your website and social media, a blog allows you to share company news and updates all in one organized place. By maintaining a steady stream of new, quality blog content, you’re sure to generate buzz about your brand. While your website may be concise and direct, a blog offers more flexibility and room to show what your brand is all about, not just the service or product you offer. 

Blogs drive traffic. 

One of the main reasons your business should have a blog is to increase your visibility. By blogging, you’ll get yourself listed in Google’s search results, which will get people to your site. When they go looking for particular content, they’ll find you. Put simply, businesses that blog get more website visitors than businesses that don’t. 

Blogs help convert traffic into leads. 

There’s no way to add a form, newsletter signup, or other lead magnet to Instagram. With blogs, you can add a lead-generating call-to-action to the end of every post. Since blogs drive traffic to your website, you’ll also start to see an increase in leads. Blogs don’t have a 100% conversion rate, but they do convert higher than social media. People visit Instagram and TikTok to be entertained, while they visit blogs to learn. Blog visitors have likely discovered your website while doing research on your product or service. They’re interested in what you have to offer and are more likely to fill out your form and become a lead.

Blogs are yours

Instagram, TikTok, and every other social media platform could disappear tomorrow, but your website and your blog are yours. Your blog will stand on its own; it’s not at risk to get lost in the shuffle of a feed. It provides a strong foundation for your marketing, while also being fun, informative, and motivating. It’s a great way to share ideas, get feedback from your audience, and build a community.

There are many more benefits to having a blog, but now you know the key ones—a blog gets you more traffic, leads, authority, and a better relationship with current and future customers. Now, go on and get started! And remember, while creating a blog and maintaining it will take time and effort, it’s so, so worth it! 


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