How To Write A Compelling About Me Page

About me page graphic

Your about page is one of the most visited pages on your website. It’s the place where prospective customers decide if you’re the right fit for them, and your best chance to convert more website visits to inquiries and turn those inquiries into customers! If you get this page right, it will also help you build a strong brand and position yourself as the go-to expert in your industry!  Let’s jump in!

About me example

How To Write A Compelling About Me Page

1. Know your audience.

What types of customers are you looking for?! Creating a tone or look for your audience is important to draw them in.

2. Don’t just lead with the facts.

People want to hear your story, and how you got where you are today! Make your website portray a window, not a wall!  Tell us how you got there and why!

3. Share your values and tell the story of your professional journey!

Tell people who you are and what you believe in! What kind of personality do you have and what makes you different from the rest?

4. Show yourself.

Build trust by adding a professional photo to your bio and about page. People buy from people. Your potential clients want to see the person behind the business!  We always suggest hiring a photographer to make sure the photos look professional!

5. Tell people how you can help them.

Don’t be too specific about your products or services-your clients can find those on other pages on your website but be specific about how you can help your clients and help people understand the benefits of working with you!  Client Testimonials on your About page are a great way to show off some of your past reviews!

6. Add calls to action and a contact link.

Your about page should not only provide information and build trust, but it should also call potential clients to take action!

7. Don’t make it all about you.

Think about why you’re writing your about page in the first place and how you want the reader to feel when they are done reading it! Adding a photo of your staff below your “About” paragraph is a great way to introduce all of your employees.

*Bonus* Write like you speak.

Sometimes in our attempt to sound professional, we use words that distance us from prospective customers. The goal is to build trust and to stand out by being and sounding like who you are. Avoid the jargon that everyone else uses at all costs!

We hope you enjoyed this blog post and would love to see your About pages! Questions? Feel free to reach out to us anytime!


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